Antipodal - relating to or situated on the opposite side of the earth.
Papua New Guinea 1977
Sepik River I & II 1977 Diptych oil on canvas 94 x 105
Sepik River IV 1977 oil on canvas 100 x 82
Horn Bill 1977 Pen and Ink 38 x 21
Gouria Pigeon 1977 Pen and Ink 35 x 49
A journey to Africa to visit the Black Rhinoceros in their natural habitat, to draw attention to their plight before they became extinct. Hodgkinson had delighted in Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros. In 1515 Dom Manuel the king of Portugal sent a rhinoceros as a gift to Pope Leo X in Rome, tragically the ship carrying the new gift sank before it reached Rome. A description of the rhinoceros soon reached Nuremberg, presumably with sketches, from which Dürer prepared this drawing and woodcut. No rhinoceros had been seen in Europe for over 1000 years, so Dürer had to work solely from these reports. He has covered the creature's legs with scales and the body with hard, patterned plates. Perhaps these features interpret lost sketches, or even the text, which states, '[The rhinoceros] has the colour of a speckled tortoise and it is covered with thick scales'. So convincing was Dürer's fanciful creation that for the next 300 years European illustrators borrowed from his woodcut, even after they had seen living rhinoceroses without plates and scales.